1. Conditions and rules:
If you’re a user from Spain, France, Italy or the Netherlands, you can enable Alipay EU through the following three methods. For other regions, please refer to the official information.
Note: AliExpress sellers currently cannot enable Alipay EU.
2. Enabling steps:
2.1 Registering an AliExpress account as a new user
When you log on to the AliExpress app for the first time, tap Register to register an AliExpress account, sign an agreement with Alipay EU, and enable your Alipay EU account.
2.2 Enabling method for AliExpress regular users
2.2.1 Enabling [My Wallet] page
a. For users who have not enabled the wallet, a pop-up screen prompts to enable the wallet upon your first opening the wallet through [Account]->[Wallet].
b. Tap the [1-tap sign up] button to complete the enabling operation. Regarding how to claim and use your Bonus privileges, please refer to How to Claim, Use, and Enable Bonus.
3. Enabling failed
In the case of enabling failure, the interface prompts the enabling failure message.