You can exchange app coins for products or coupons on our app in the Coins & Coupons area.
Exchange for Coupons
You will find a list of coupons available for exchange on the AliExpress app. Go to Coins & Coupons > Coupon Exchange > Exchange Coins for Coupons.
Your coins will be deducted each time you exchange them for coupons. A limited amount of coupons are available each day. Coupons are given on a first-come, first-served basis. Make sure you get yours on time!
Exchange for Products
You will find a list of products available for exchange on the AliExpress app. Go to Coins & Coupons > Shop with Coins.
Please open the product details and make sure the product is available for coin exchange. If it is, you can place an order, and the coins will be deducted automatically. The exchange will cost US $0.01 plus the specified amount of coins needed for a product.