Before payment: you can cancel order directly by clicking the button [Cancel Order];
When your order status is “The seller has shipped your order”: You cannot cancel your order after it is shipped. However, You can reject/return the goods after it is delivered to you).
When your order status is “Awaiting Shipment”: You can cancel your order with the seller’s approval. Please click the button [Cancel Order] on order detail page, select a reason for cancellation, then [Submit] the request. Please contact the seller for their approval to speed up the process.
How to cancel an order?
Please click the button [Cancel Order] on order detail page, select a reason for cancellation, and then [Submit] the request.
If the seller does not respond to your request within 72 hours, the order will be automatically closed and refund will be returned to your account.
Please contact the sellers if they refuse to cancel your order as the cancellation might cause losses to the seller while he/she is preparing the shipment.
1. Orders will be cancelled automatically if sellers fail to ship goods by their due time.
2. If you haven’t received your orders before delivery time is out, or you are not satisfied with the product you received, please try contact your seller for a solution. If that doesn’t work, you can apply for a refund by opening a dispute before the Buyer Protection has ended.