
If you already added the shipping cost under shipment terms in the contract (or you ask supplier to add) as below, then please pay together with the products. Please click here to learn how to pay.

If you are using Freight, you can pay for your logistics order directly via credit card or with Wire Transfer or ACH, after selecting the quote that works for you from one of our providers.

Enter your Trade Assurance order number to proceed to payment.

1) With credit card
Go to “my Alibaba” > “services” > “manage logistics order.” Find the order you would like to pay for and click “view logistics order.” You can then select “credit/debit card” and click “add a new card to pay in USD.” Fill in your card information and click “confirm and pay.”

Note: If your card payment fails, please use wire transfer.

2) With wire transfer

a. Download your invoice. You can download it either by:
i. Going to “my Alibaba” > “manage logistics orders.”
ii. Going to your registered email address and finding the email with the subject line: “Payment required – Original Logistics Order NO. [XXXXXX].” You can click on the download link, and then log in to your account to complete the download.
Note: will email you an invoice five business days before your shipment reaches the destination port.

b. Begin the transfer with your bank, either online or at your local branch.

i. All required information, such as SWIFT code, can be found on your freight invoice.
ii. The payment sender must match the consignee listed on your “bill of lading.”
iii. The beneficiary bank name is: Shenzhen One Touch Supply Chain Service Co., Ltd. If the full name doesn’t fit into the “beneficiary name” field, enter the following into the “memo” field: Beneficiary name: Shenzhen One Touch Supply Chain Service Co., Ltd.
iv. Make sure there are no mistakes in the beneficiary name, otherwise the wire transfer will not be accepted.

c. Complete the wire transfer and upload the receipt to your “manage logistics page” by clicking “upload payment receipt.”

If you need any additional assistance with your logistics order, you can schedule a consultation session with our shipping experts here.

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