Payment for multiple items can be done in one batch.
Reminder: please be advised to pay for maximum 30 items in one batch to avoid payment failure during peak time of payment processing.
Product with discount is limited.
Reminder: please pay for your order as soon as possible after selection. Price will back to original one if product with discount is out of stock.
Price adjustment can be done by seller for your order.
Reminder: please refresh your order to get latest price after adjustment for payment. Payment will be rejected if value received does not match with order value.
Payment may not reflect timely during peak time of payment processing
Reminder: please wait for few minutes more before clicking ‘Pay now’ again to avoid duplicated payment.
Some payment methods or currencies are not available for payment temporary.
Reminder: Please double check if you have input correct information of card for payment. If you got error after double checking, please pay through another card/method instead.